Happiness like everything else in life is a choice. Often we forget that happiness arrives in the simplest package. Let’s strip away the grandeur and focus on the basics. What can we do to be happy? Below are 23 ways to indulge in happiness.
1. Smile.
2. Mail a postcard to yourself with the greeting I LOVE YOU.
3. Re-read your favourite book.
4. Jot down all the things that make you unhappy on a piece of paper, then tear it up into as many pieces as you can.
5. Start a flower garden.
6. Plant a small herb garden.
7. Laugh.
8. Start a gratitude journal.
9. Listen to the laughter of a child.
10. View old photo albums.
11. Send a thank you note to someone who would least expect it.
12. Set a goal.
13. Start saving for that goal.
14. Paint.
15. Play with your child.
16. Have breakfast for dinner.
17. Enjoy some toast with Nutella.
18. Sing. I mean sing out loud!
19. Read and view something inspiring.
20. Put on a puppet show for your family.
21. Decide that guilt is for the birds, and enjoy your favourite snack while watching all those shows you have recorded on your PVR or TIVO.
22. Enjoy a luxurious bubble bath accompanied by your beverage of choice, while reading that magazine you have been saving for just such an occasion.
23. Kiss someone you love!
I encourage you to add to this list. Find simple ways to bring happiness into your day.