I needed to find an inspirational article or story that would help me find the light through the tunnel that my life currently inhabits. The act of searching for words to lift my spirits felt disheartening. I thought that if I could write the words that were necessary, maybe, the impact would tip the scale.
My heart breaks for my niece Grace, and her family. Grace Elizabeth Lea Fisher was born on Monday June 8th, at 6:30 am. From the start, little Grace was mounted with hardships. But she fought through. Doctors did not know if she would wait patiently to be carried to term. But she fought through. Doctors did not know if she would survive her birth. But she fought through. Today is Friday June 12th; the time is 10:00 am EST. Grace is on life support and she is still fighting. The strength of her spirit is breathtaking. She wants to be in the arms of her mother and father. She wants to live.
I am unable to work, or to think. I just want Grace to live. I consider myself powerful, but how do I will the impossible. I keep the faith. I believe. I remain focused. I have no other choices.
My faith tells me that anything is possible. I believe in Grace and her spirit. I believe that if her physical body is unable to sustain her that her spirit is powerful enough to live on and touch all those who love her. I am focused on only emitting love, positivity and hope. That is my promise to Baby Grace. And I never break a promise.