March 25, 2024Published by Giselle Betancourt McInroy at March 25, 2024Categories BreakFree23 Depression Freedom Friendship KindnessThank YouI can not express how grateful I am to all of you. Your support, kindness, empathy, and often humour helped me travel through the past few […]
October 12, 2020Published by Giselle Betancourt McInroy at October 12, 2020Categories BreakFree23 Depression Feelings Grief Kindness Mental HealthI’m GratefulI’m grateful for waiting. I’m grateful for allowing time to take charge. I’m grateful for understanding the depths of my pain. I’m grateful I believe that […]
November 7, 2019Published by Giselle Betancourt McInroy at November 7, 2019Categories BreakFree23 Communication Community Connection Feelings Freedom Kindness Mental HealthBeing 12My daughter is 12. I remember when I was 12 and I kind of wish that I didn’t. There are those who will say that my […]
October 30, 2019Published by Giselle Betancourt McInroy at October 30, 2019Categories BreakFree23 Communication Community Depression Feelings Friendship Grief Kindness Suicide PreventionBad DecisionsNote to self; never decide on anything of importance in August. You know why? Well, I will tell you. The choices I make in August end […]
October 15, 2019Published by Giselle Betancourt McInroy at October 15, 2019Categories BreakFree23 Communication Community Connection Depression Feelings Freedom Friendship Grief Kindness Mental Health Suicide PreventionBottled UpThe Ins and Outs of Sharing Your Feelings You have something major going on in your life. People close to you can see that this is […]
October 3, 2019Published by Giselle Betancourt McInroy at October 3, 2019Categories BreakFree23 Communication Community Connection Feelings Freedom Friendship Inspiration KindnessHey UniverseMy Mom believed that what you would say and how you thought had the power to help you or condemn you. She believed that in the […]
September 26, 2019Published by Giselle Betancourt McInroy at September 26, 2019Categories BreakFree23 Communication Community Depression Feelings Friendship Grief Kindness Suicide PreventionBad DecisionsNote to self; never decide on anything of importance in August. You know why? Well, I will tell you. The choices I make in August end […]
September 17, 2019Published by Giselle Betancourt McInroy at September 17, 2019Categories BreakFree23 Communication Community Depression Feelings Grief KindnessAugustAugust sucked. Let’s move on. But before I say goodbye to the heaviness that is August, I want to share a few phrases that I hate. […]
August 21, 2019Published by Giselle Betancourt McInroy at August 21, 2019Categories BreakFree23 Communication Community Connection Depression Feelings Freedom Kindness Suicide PreventionZero Masks LeftI realize that I have zero masks left. I have little, to no energy to put on a mask in order to please the masses. I […]